At Electro-Max we offer the best form of metal Pickling the industry has to offer. Our metal pickling process involves several steps to pretreat the weld prior to actually performing the pickling process. This pretreating of the weld removes any residue, foreign substances, markings, dyes, rust, grease or oil. Pre-cleaning is not required for all applications but is highly recommended for most as etching promotes surface adhesion on the metal.
Electro-Max performs some of the largest metal pickling operations in the industry. Electro-Max also operates and maintains some of the largest metal pickling tanks available. We offer our customers both in-tank metal pickling as well as out of tank pickling. These options allow us to pickle both very large parts as well as small, delicate pieces so common in the medical industry. Either one of these pickling options allows for the best chemical polishing available from any metal pickling company. Contact Electro-Max today and allow us to finish your next top-quality fabricated and pickled metal parts today.
Contact Details :
Electro-Max, Inc.
105 Rowell Rd.
Hampshire, IL 60140